Seakeeper makes gyroscope stabilizer units for boats that can eliminate up to 95 percent of the side-to-side rocking and roll of a boat on the water that causes seasickness, fatigue and anxiety. By eliminating boat roll, Seakeeper transforms everyone’s experience on the water. Your guests go from sick to smiling, and memories turn from “never again” to “best trip ever!”
We can’t remember the last time a new boating technology generated the buzz that we’re seeing with Seakeeper. Our customers are telling us that for them, this is a game-changer.
For those who haven’t heard, Seakeeper makes gyroscope stabilizer units for boats that can eliminate up to 95 percent of the side-to-side rocking and roll of a boat on the water that causes seasickness, fatigue and anxiety. By eliminating boat roll, Seakeeper transforms everyone’s experience on the water. Your guests go from sick to smiling, and memories turn from “never again” to “best trip ever!”
Almost every week, we see another announcement by an OEM boat manufacturer deciding to add Seakeeper units as standard equipment on new models. Stabilizers have been around for years on big boats and commercial vessels, but Seakeeper is now making units for boats in the mid-20s and up.
This is a paradigm shift for the industry, and the best part is that Seakeeper’s stabilizer units can be retrofitted on older boats under the right circumstances. Imagine dropping your boat off at Oyster Harbors Marine on a Monday and enjoying a Seakeeper stabilized boat that weekend!
If you’ve got an older model gyro on your boat, you should look into an upgrade. The newer models of Seakeeper stabilizers are more powerful and efficient, and come with improved product warranties. That’s more peace of mind for you, and better boating conditions for your family.
And while Seakeepers are remarkably efficient machines (they run on 12-volt DC power and are cooled with seawater and glycol), the manufacturer does recommend some basic maintenance protocols. The service technicians at Oyster Harbors Marine are all factory trained and stand ready to keep your unit operating year after year.
If you want to learn more about this new technology that has everyone talking, give us a call today. We’ll show you how it works and discuss installing one on your boat. And once you see how well it reduces that irritating side-to-side motion, you’ll be sold!