Is this the right time to sell your boat?
There’s probably no better time if you’re thinking of selling or trading-up your boat. We have a large customer base looking for pre-owned boats.
Oyster Harbors Marine has a brokerage team of 16 active brokers. They are professional, creative and, with more than 170 years of experience in buying and selling boats, they are incredibly effective.
Our brokers cover the waterfront from Connecticut to Maine, and have contact with a huge base of customers from throughout the region and beyond. We field inquiries from customers looking for pre-owned boats every business day.
In addition, Oyster Harbors Marine has developed an effective, innovative marketing program for our brokerage customers, including social media, print and online advertising, newsletters, eblasts and more, all designed to cast a wide net, present your boat in its best light and attract buyer attention.
Our brokers will work with you to maximize the value of your watercraft and ensure that a buyer’s first impression of your boat is a good one. We will work with our skilled technicians in the service department to take the steps necessary to have your boat in its best possible working condition, and thus be more attractive to any potential buyer.
Is this the right time to sell? Believe it. Contact us at one of our 8 locations or stop in to meet with one of our professional brokers and let’s talk about selling your boat.