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Check Your Boat’s Fuel Tank for Water

water in fuel blog

As a boater, you naturally love water. But you definitely don’t want it in your boat’s fuel.

If water gets into your fuel, it can cause lots of problems for your engine. And, when it mixes with ethanol-blended gas, it undergoes a process called “phase separation,” which creates sludge in your tank and can cause engine damage.

Check for water in your fuel by using a clear glass jar. Dump the contents of your fuel filter into the jar and let is settle for a few minutes.

If there’s no water in your fuel, the contents in the jar will all be the same yellowish color. If you do have water, gas floats on water, so you’ll see a bubble at the bottom of the jar. You can siphon the water from the bottom of your tank, or take it to a professional.

If phase separation is occurring from mixing water and ethanol, the bubble at the bottom will be gelatinous. If that’s the case, contact an environmental services company to properly dispose of this fuel.

Should you find water in your fuel, look for how it is getting into your fuel tank. Among the possible reasons could be a bad fuel cap seal or a broken vent.

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